Flash Sportfishing has another successful Striper & Sturgeon Trips

by Steve Talmadge

Fellow Sportsmen,

Well last week was a bust due to weather. I did get a trip in on Saturday. That trip produced 2 shaker sturgeon and a nice bass. Today I had the Martinez harbor crew. The water temperature was up to 56 ?. The highest I've seen in a few months. We did some searching and finally found some fish near seal Island. We landed 3 bass and 3 sturgeon during the incoming tide. The bass were all around keeper size, barely, so they were released. Two of the 3 sturgeon were shakers. Harbormaster Craig Paulsen hooked and landed a very heavy thick sturgeon. Unfortunately it was a little too long so after a quick photo it was released ethically and healthy. The fish was estimated between 90 and 100 pounds. We moved to the Benicia Bridge for the start of the outgoing tide.

Olivia Ortega hooked and landed a beautiful 65 inch sturgeon. Her fish put up great battle and it showed itself a few times and even went airborne 5 feet from the boat before giving up. Her fish was also very heavy and weighed 71 pounds. Craig's fish took eel and ghost shrimp and Olivia's fish took eel and grass trip. The shakers took JPS. We had a great day with a lot of action. I will be back out on the water tomorrow morning for another day of good fishing.

I will be fishing sturgeon and bass through the end of the month and I do have some room. Enjoy the photos.

Captain Steve Talmadge